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Posted on Thursday, May 19, 2016
There are many ways to clean carpets, tile or any other flooring. Maximum Carpet & Restoration has the knowledge, training and equipment to offer a wide range of cleaning options. Other companies do not, so they use all sorts of marketing ploys to make you think they are the 'best' and steam cleaning is unsafe or downright dangerous. We are totally set up to do 'dry in an hour' cleaning and will be happy to do it, but it is only one tool in our complete tool set. Would you go to a doctor or a mechanic that only had one tool or one method?
Hot water extraction, also called steam cleaning, is the process we use most often because it has many advantages over other methods. By using powerful vacuums, completely safe cleaning agents and 235 degree water, it not only cleans & sanitizes your floor, but completely removes all the dirt and stains from your home or office. Other methods simply cannot match the extraction capabilities of steam cleaning and if done improperly, simply swirl the dirt around your floor. In fact, EVERY single carpet manufacturer not only recommends hot water extraction, but requires it in order to maintain your carpet warranty. I think they know the best way to take care of their products.
Another popular 'scare' tactic is saying the steam cleaning uses toxic chemicals and leaves behind wet carpet that turns smelly & moldy. If this were true, we would have lost all of our customers. The truth is all of our cleaning products are totally safe (many of them certified green), your carpet will be dry in hours and most importantly, your floor will have never been cleaner, safer or better looking.
Still unsure? Contact us today for a free consultation at your location on what would be the best way to care for your specific floor.