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Posted on Wednesday, November 5, 2014
So you have searched online & talked with friends and decided it is time to make your appointment to have Maximum Carpet & Restoration come and clean your flooring. First of all, you have made an excellent choice! Whether you book online or over the phone, here are a few tips:
1) Be honest. Please give us an accurate description of your situation so we can come fully prepared for each job. The easiest thing to notify us about is the soil level of the carpet or other flooring. You know if your carpet is super dirty and stained and that it will likely require more care than a normal carpet. Other important things are number of rooms (remember hallways and closets are free and do not count as rooms), are there carpeted stairs (and if so, how many), is there proper access/parking, is there furniture that needs to be moved and most importantly, are there pet issues. Most people do not realize that standard steam cleaning is geared towards soil removal and has little effect on pet urine stains and odor. Maximum Carpet & Restoration does offer many options to deal with pet issues depending on the severity, but we MUST know ahead of time so we can perform the proper procedures.
2) Be prepared. Vacuuming ahead of time is helpful but not always necessary. Moving furniture and other items into other areas of the house saves us time and you money. Unless you tell us ahead of time, we may only send a one man crew to your house and be unable to move heavier furniture. Maximum Carpet & Restoration brings our own equipment, supplies, soft water and plenty of hose so we are self-sufficient. The only thing we may need is electricity for some of our cleaning equipment.
3) Be decided. Maximum Carpet & Restoration offers a wide array of services including carpet cleaning, tile/grout cleaning, upholstery cleaning, wood floor cleaning/refinishing, rug cleaning and more. If you are interested in multiple services, please let us know when making the appointment. We will be glad to answer any questions you may have.
By providing us with the above information at the time of booking your appointment, we will be able to give you a more accurate estimate of both cost and time involved, send out the appropriate technicians, bring the required equipment and most importantly, vastly improve your experience with Maximum Carpet & Restoration.