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Fire and smoke damage to your home can be devastating to you and your family. Trust Maximum Carpet & Restoration to get you back to normal as quickly and painlessly as possible. Not only can we work to eliminate the soot and odors, but we can also eliminate the water problems associated with most fires.
Once the fire has been extinguished, it is important that the restoration & cleanup begin as soon as possible. When soot and moisture combine, they immediately begin forming acids that can damage your home and contents if not neutralized and removed quickly. Unlike most other restoration companies, we are based in Laramie, so we can respond quickly to your loss.
Maximum Carpet & Restoration has the equipment and training to handle all aspects of a fire loss, but due to our small size, we are not able to handle major fire damage or construction and will work with larger local or out of town restoration companies when the need arises.
Hopefully you never need our fire and smoke damage services, but it is nice to know that there is a company in Laramie that is now able to respond.
The cost for fire & smoke restoration varies depending on the time and materials needed and we will work with insurance claims.
Call (307) 460-8515 or email to receive an estimate or to schedule an appointment.