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Maximum Carpet & Restoration can clean most any fabric or leather furniture. We use our powerful carpet cleaning equipment along with specialized tools and cleaning solutions to remove soils, pet stains and other particulates to get your furniture clean. You can be assured your furniture will be cleaned properly by a technican trained in upholstery by IICRC, a global certifcation and standard-setting non-profit organization for the cleaning industry. For leather cleaning, we use a specialized 3-step process that cleans, revitalizes and protects the leather.
Prices (for fabric or leather):
Chair/Recliner - $50.00
Loveseat - $80.00
Standard sofa - $100.00
Sectional - $160.00
Note: heavily soiled or pet damaged upholstery may require an additional charge that will be discussed prior to cleaning.
Call (307) 460-8515 or email to receive an estimate or to schedule an appointment.