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Posted on Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Several people have asked me if Maximum Carpet & Restoration is a franchise. The short answer is No. When opening the business in early 2014, I did investigate several franchises but decided not to go that route. There are pros and cons to both sides but here some of the reasons I decided to stay independent:
1) Keep prices as low as possible. To my surprise, many people do not realize that ALL franchises have to pay a percentage of their sales to the corporation. This can be anywhere from less than 1% to more than 10% of each sale. Obviously, the franchisee has to pass most or all of this cost on to the consumer in one way or another.
2) Choose the best equipment. Most franchises require that you purchase your equipment and supplies from them. I decided that it would be better to be able to choose the best available products from multiple vendors and have the freedom to switch if I found something that works better. This has proven to be a key to our high approval rating with our current clientle.
3) Service the Laramie market. All of us would agree that Laramie is a unique city in a unique state. We do not care what people in New York, Florida or California do. Being independent allows me to add services that the Laramie market lacks and needs that may or may not be allowed by a franchise. Services like wood floor cleaning, water extraction and oriental rug cleaning.
4) Local ownership. Being the sole owner of Maximum Carpet & Restoration, you can speak directly to me should a problem arise or for any other reason. We won't refer you to an 800 number located in another state.